Wednesday, August 2, 2006

Energy Use Here and In Germany

By Gilbert Woolley / Special To The Tab


On a recent visit to Germany and Austria I tried to compare typical comments on and response to environmental issues in these countries. Each day I skimmed through a German language newspaper to look for environmental news. One notable difference was that I saw no mention of "solutions" for dependence on imported fuels and no complaints about gasoline prices, which are roughly twice as high as in the US. The explanation for cost tolerance is that gasoline has never been cheap in Germany (and other industrial countries of Western Europe).

Until the discovery of North Sea Oil in the 1960s, these countries were almost totally dependent on far away places (including the US) across thousands of miles of ocean, In the twenties and thirties it was recognized that in case of war, these oceans would be patrolled by enemy ships, including submarines. High taxes were imposed, not only to raise revenue, but also to decrease usage, and dependence on imports. As a result, the public never came to regard cheap gasoline as a "right" and most people drove less, and in smaller cars or on motorcycles, than in the US. Raising taxes is the sure way to reduce dependence on foreign oil but is politically difficult in the US.

Germany has well over 11,000 wind turbines, generating more electricity by wind than any other country and, as we traveled between Berlin and Munich, we saw many wind turbines. This area is not ideal for wind and some turbines were not turning, presumably because of insufficient velocity. Germany's only significant domestic source of fossil fuel is coal and the country is trying to meet its commitment to the Kyoto Protocol to reduce CO2. Wind generation increased by 44 percent last year.

Hotels in Berlin and Munich, which used key cards as room keys, also used them to conserve electricity. To turn on the lights and air conditioner in the room, the card must be placed in a reader by the door. When leaving the room, retrieving the key turns off the lights and air conditioner. The tank on the toilet had two levers, a small flush and a full flush. Using the small flush saves not only water but also the electricity used to drive the water and wastewater pumps.

Dependence on the automobile is also reduced by efficient and frequent public transit - subways, streetcars and buses. The most noticeable difference between Berlin, Munich and Vienna and American cities, however, was that bicycle paths were provided on all major, and some secondary streets. Imagine cycling down the "Unter den Linden", Berlin's Fifth Avenue. These cycle paths are clearly marked by the contrasting color of paving and are part of the sidewalks. This means that cyclists are not threatened by powered vehicles as is the case when cycle paths are simply painted lines dedicating a couple of feet of the carriageway to bicycles. And these paths are used by young and old, even by middle-aged ladies out shopping. Most businesses, including department stores, have bicycle racks near the entrances. In busy city streets it has been demonstrated over and over again that the bicycle is the fastest method of travel but most people are afraid to cycle in traffic. The German cyclists confidently asserted their right to use these paths and often didn't warn pedestrians who had strayed on to them. This was a hazard to some of our (American) party who often ignored the cycle path markings.

None of these things is going to "solve" the energy problem or eliminate Global Warming. Neither is drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge nor in the coastal zone. The excessive use of energy did not happen suddenly, but built up over most of the twentieth century, and reducing energy use will also take time and require hundreds of millions of people to take simple actions to reduce energy use, like driving less and driving smaller cars, turning the thermostat up in summer and down in winter and adding insulation to their homes. It is not politically popular to say so, but the German, and European, example suggests that the "market" - that is higher prices - may be the most effective tool to reduce demand. One thing that will not reduce gasoline consumption is that additional lanes are being added to the Autobahn we were driving along. Experience in the US is that increasing the capacity of highways results in diversion of travelers from public transportation to private automobiles.

The German word for the Environment is "die Umwelt," literally the world around us. This seems to me to be less abstract and more "user friendly".

Gilbert Woolley is a retired engineer and longtime member of the Sierra Club.

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Green revolution in big biz


Multi-billion dollar companies can have a huge impact, both positively and negatively, on the environment. Even minor changes in business models and practices can dramatically effect how a company interacts with the larger world.

There is a common misconception that it is too expensive in a highly competitive world market for large corporations to focus on reducing their impact on the environment.

Concern about the environment is not usually viewed by businesses as in the best interests of shareholders, because it is assumed not to be profitable. However, it is possible to make huge profits while having an environmental conscience. In fact, it is more profitable over the long term and therefore in the shareholders best interests, to act "environmentally friendly". Our economic system often rewards innovation in this way.

DuPont de Nemours is one company that has changed from being one of the worst polluters to being a leader in progressive environmental thinking. DuPont started up over 200 years ago and has been one of the largest chemical developers ever since. It has created many products which most people use in their everyday lives. Some of its most famous creations are nylon, Teflon, Kevlar and Chlorofluorocarbons. CFC's, which were revolutionary when they were developed in the 1930's, were used in air conditioners and refrigerators, but they turned out to be extremely destructive to the ozone layer, with long-lasting and persistent effects on the entire planet.

DuPont is taking a radical approach compared to its competitors. One of its business goals is to create sustainable growth, that is, economic growth that attempts to balance both the future and present needs of a company. DuPont is reviving its tarnished image by reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 65 percent of their 1990 levels by the year 2010. The company has already exceeded that goal by reducing emissions by 68 percent. Also, DuPont intends to hold its energy use flat at the 1990 baseline level.

DuPont has displayed progressive thinking in part to amend for past misdeeds. It reached many of its environmental goals rapidly because, having polluted so horrendously for so many years, it was forced to pay enormous legal fees and heavy fines for environmental cleanup efforts. The company realized that it would be much cheaper over time to spend money to reduce pollution than to pay for the resulting lawsuits, inevitable penalties and cleanup projects. Chad Holiday, Chairman and CEO of DuPont, estimates that "In working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, we achieved more than $2 billion in avoided costs due to energy conservation activities". Obviously it makes business sense to be environmentally responsible.

DuPont is not alone in its efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. General Electric, the second biggest company in the world, has also pledged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. BP, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, IBM and many other major corporations have pledged to reduce greenhouse emissions. However, compared to DuPont, other companies' efforts, while vital, are less impressive.

With a net income of $1.89 billion in 2005, DuPont has proven that large profits and environmental responsibility are not mutually exclusive, and that 'top down' change is possible in our capitalistic economy.

Improving the environmental practices of one large, multi-billion dollar corporation has direct benefits worldwide. And when DuPont adopts sustainable growth principles that encourages other companies to follow its example.

All large corporations will need to change their business policies and practices in order to solve many of serious environmental problems facing our country and the world, but they are not going to do this without outside pressure. The efforts of individuals and grassroots campaigns to reform corporations should never be underestimated. If it were not for the work of watchdog groups, DuPont would never have cleaned up its act, because no one would be demanding that they do it. Citizens, through their governments and non-profit organizations, have to take the initiative to make sure this happens.

The example set by DuPont may be hard for smaller companies to follow. DuPont is well-established and has the luxury of thinking long term, because it knows that it will be around to reap the benefits from making the many changes involved in transitioning to being a sustainable company. Their dramatic turnaround in a short time span makes them a tough act to follow.

Currently no enforcement or regulatory body requires businesses to meet most environmental goals. Until we have such regulation, companies could just espouse lofty goals with little intention of meeting them. We not only need carrots, we also need sticks.

Nick Kelley, a senior at Colorado College Majoring in Environmental Science, is the Green Decade Coalition intern this summer, while he is also working for MWRA. He lives in Brookline.

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Have Your Lobster and Eat It, Too

By Trevor Corson / Special To The Tab


Lobster love is going mainstream: Executives at Whole Foods Market, the largest purveyor of natural and organic foods in the nation, have reevaluated the entire process of lobster acquisition, transport and sale. The company has announced that it will stop selling live lobsters because it cannot ensure that the animals are being treated with compassion.

For tens of thousands of years we knew, firsthand, where our food came from. During the past century, 99.9 percent of that experience has vanished. Lobster is one of the few foods that most Americans can still purchase alive and kicking. Apart from hunting and fishing, it is the last link between our kitchens and the great outdoors.

I belong to a new demographic called ethical eaters. We want our food to have been happy in death. At the same time, we want it so fresh and unprocessed that it still tastes, and nourishes us, like it is full of life. That's why I love buying live lobster. I am happy knowing that the lobster has lived at least six or seven years in the ocean. Most other meat at the store comes from a domesticated animal, and fish increasingly come from farms. Lobster is one of the last true free-range meats.

Some people feel that the entire process of capturing, storing, transporting and cooking lobsters cannot possibly be accomplished in a humane fashion - period.

The fact is that trapping lobsters is as humane as fishing gets. The animals crawl into a wire cage, eat a free lunch and sit around for a while. We know from video studies that many of the lobsters then climb right back out of the trap. We also know from scientific surveys that most lobstermen along the rocky coast from Gloucester to Downeast Maine release a lot of their lobsters back into the ocean - young ones, old ones and ones with eggs - and that those animals continue to thrive and repopulate coastal waters, despite their elevator rides to the surface and their swims back to the bottom. Lobster transport is similarly civilized. Because consumers have traditionally demanded that lobsters be kept alive, distributors already have a strong incentive to treat the animals with care. Nova Scotia-based Clearwater Seafoods, one of the top lobster distributors in North America, has constructed elaborate seawater condominiums at its three plants, tended by the company's own biologists, so that lobsters can rest in cool, stress-free solitude and regain energy before their trek to the consumer.

And storage? It is true that adult lobsters dislike spending much time together in close quarters - unless, of course, a male and female have completed their courtship dances and decide to move in together to mate. But lobsters communicate by smell instead of sound, and studies at the Marine Biological Laboratory on Cape Cod suggest that in crowded conditions, the lobsters' noses get desensitized to stimulation and they calm down and stop bothering one another. The tanks are also kept cold; the lobsters adapt by slowing their metabolism, reducing activity and lowering their food intake, just as they do in the wild, which further reduces stress.

That leaves cooking. It's the thornier problem, and what most upsets people. Unlike fish, [lobsters] can survive out of water long enough to make it to the kitchen still kicking.

In England, scientists have invented a new machine designed to kill lobsters with minimum pain prior to cooking. It is called the CrustaStun, and went into service in the United Kingdom last year. It comes in two sizes. The big one looks something like those zappers they put your suitcase in at the airport. Lobsters ride a conveyor belt into a 110-volt jolt that electrocutes them. The small version looks like a stainless-steel lobster coffin, and executes one animal at a time. Both get a humane stamp of approval.

Shucks Maine Lobster, run by Maine entrepreneur John Hathaway, is one of several companies employing a different sort of device: an 80,000-pound, 16-foot-tall machine that uses technology adapted from U.S. Army research. Hathaway loads a wide vertical cylinder with 200 pounds of live lobster at a time. A steel oval framework slides into place over the cylinder. He presses a button, massive pumps whir, and water inside the cylinder is compressed to a pressure more than five times that of the deepest ocean trenches. Without any heat, the lobsters die and their meat separates from the shell. The lobsters are then hand shucked, vacuum sealed, and the packages re-pressurized to kill pathogens. The result: fresh, raw lobster meat with a refrigerated shelf life of up to 30 days and no additives or preservatives - similar to chicken. Chefs love the product, and supermarkets are currently considering it for retail sale. Whether this system will get a humane stamp of approval remains to be seen.

I welcome the end of boiling lobsters alive. But I also fear the impending loss of live lobster, and with it the end of a beloved New England tradition. I do not want to hand over my last chance to make moral choices about my dinner to automated executioners. So for now, I will continue to do what I have always done. I will put the live lobster on ice for 15 minutes to slow its metabolism and neural activity. Then I will give thanks to the lobster and thrust the point of my knife between its legs and cut down through the head, splitting the front half of its body. The animal will die instantly, and I can boil it without causing further pain. This method, while not for the squeamish, does get a humane stamp of approval.

Adapted from Boiling Point, Boston Magazine, July 13, 2006, with permission

Trevor Corson is the author of "The Secret Life of Lobsters: How Fishermen and Scientists Are Unraveling the Mysteries of Our Favorite Crustacean" (HarperCollins, June 2004). He has posted instructions on the humane way to kill lobsters at

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Understanding global warming's many effects and causes

By Joy Huang / Special To The Tab

Global warming is not new. Temperatures have been rising worldwide since 1867, when global temperature data was first available. Not everyone is convinced global warming is a serious concern. Skeptics argue that climate change is a normal part of climate cycles, and that Earth has been in a warm period for the past 10,000 years. Those worried about global warming point out that growth at an exponential rate would be catastrophic for the environment. They argue that while the increase in Earth's temperature may be "natural," human industrialization and intervention has drastically accelerated the process.
Everyone agrees that during the 20th century at least, global temperatures increased steadily, and that the rise in temperature impacts Earth's environment and humans in numerous ways. As global temperatures rise, the environment is disturbed and humans are put at risk. Glaciers retreat, sea levels rise, weather patterns change, bleached coral reefs die, and disease spreads.

The melting of glaciers has become a major focus of concern about global warming. As temperatures increase, these ancient ice behemoths thaw more rapidly. In Antarctica, entire sheets of ice sometimes slide off into the ocean. The European Alps and the Caucasus mountains have lost half of their glacial ice in this century, and glaciers in the Andes are retreating at seven times the rate they were just 30 years ago. The most dramatic effects are in the Himalayas, where glaciers feed the Ganges and Indus Rivers of northern India. The 500 million people who depend on those glaciers as a source of water have already experienced erratic flooding and serious mud slides. Glaciologist Keith Echelmeyer surveyed 90 glaciers in Alaska for eight years and discovered that most of them were thinning by 5 feet (1.5 meters) each year and some even up to 10 feet (3 meters) each year. The rate of thinning is exponential, and the thawing speeds up as glaciers get thinner because the melted water lubricates the glacier. In 2002, when the Larsen B ice shelf slid off the Antarctic peninsula, the glaciers behind it started disappearing at up to eight times their previous rate.

Retreating glaciers lead to disastrous flooding and a shortage of water. When glaciers melt, sometimes rocky debris piled at the edge of glaciers impedes the flow of melted water, trapping large lakes behind them. When these moraines give way, the glacial lakes suddenly pour into the valleys below much as lava flows in a volcanic eruption. Eventually, the lakes and rivers they form each summer begin to shrink, leading to a scarcity of water for people dependent on those "summer river flows."
Melting glaciers also affect the oceans. Warm water expands and takes up more space, so sea levels rise in response to the warming of the planet. With the added melted ice from retreating glaciers, the rise in sea level will increase further. Sea levels rose four to 10 inches (10.16 to 25.4 cm) in the last century. Estimates vary, but the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency predicts a rise of 12 inches (30 cm) along the Gulf and Atlantic coasts by 2025, and most scientists agree that a rise of 28 inches (72 cm) over the next century is possible. These numbers may not seem shocking, but rising sea levels are destructive to coastlines and potentially disastrous to island nations and delta farmlands. Higher sea levels lead to more coastal erosion and destroy farmlands near the coast, replacing them with rocky sediments. Wetlands and adjacent low-lying terrain become prone to flooding. As seawater flows onto land, it contaminates freshwater, increasing river and groundwater salinity. Bangladesh has already experienced so many floods and storms that 10 percent of the country could be submerged as sea levels rise.

Earth's climate is shifting towards extremes. As the planet heats up, evaporation increases, adding more moisture to the atmosphere and causing more violent downpours. Thomas Karl of the National Climatic Data Center reported in the late 1990s that recent decades the US has experienced a 20 percent increase in blizzards and heavy rainstorms. Rising temperatures also strengthen hurricanes, which gather energy over warm water. The warmer the water, the greater the energy, which means more intense storms. Last year in the Gulf of Mexico, there were so many tropical storms that for the very first time forecasters ran out of names."

Weather patterns will change erratically. Some places will experience more precipitation and more severe weather, while others will experience an overall decrease in evaporation and rainfall. An average decrease in water vapor concentration reduces the moisture of the soil and can cause desertification. Drought conditions are intensifying in Africa and Asia for this reason. In 2000, Central Mongolia experienced its worst drought in 60 years followed by its harshest winter in 30 years, and 1.8 million domestic animals froze to death.

With higher temperatures, lakes and springs thaw earlier in the spring. In Alaska, four out of the five earliest record thaws occurred in the 1990s. In 1993 German scientists reported that spring was starting six days earlier and autumn five days later than in 1959, extending the growing season by 11 days. This can benefit farmers but it has detrimental effects on freshwater ecosystems. Recent studies document a connection between global warming and eutrophication. One Canadian scientist who collected samples from six lakes in the Canadian Arctic and found that algal growth began 150 years ago and is now increasing exponentially, has said: "These are pristine lakes that mankind hasn't directly affected. But there has definitely been an indirect effect."

Although there are disputes about the magnitude of global warming, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, consisting of 2,500 top scientists from 60 countries, has compiled a comprehensive study of the impacts of climate change and proposed ways to respond to it. They have published a climate change report every five years since 1988.
The IPCC warned in its most recent report (2001) that global warming is occurring more rapidly than previously believed, mostly due to human activities. They concluded that the average global temperature is projected to rise between 2.5 and 10.4 degrees Fahrenheit (1.4 and 5.8 degrees Celsius) by the year 2100; in North America the temperature is projected to increase by 7.2 to 8.9 degrees Fahrenheit by 2100; the 1990s was the warmest decade and 1998 the warmest year since the beginning of global temperature observations; global sea levels have risen 10 times faster in the last 3,000 years than ever before and are projected to rise about 3 to 28 inches (8 to 72 cm) between 1990 and 2100; and snow cover and the northern sea ice will further decrease.

The IPCC concluded that "The balance of evidence suggest a discernible human influence on global climate." Carbon dioxide is one of the "greenhouse gases," a group of atmospheric gases named for their role in the "greenhouse effect," a natural process that maintains global temperature but which also contributes to global warming. Other greenhouse gases include water vapor, methane, nitrous oxides, and chlorofluorocarbons.

Visible radiation from the sun travels to Earth and is absorbed by the atmosphere. Some of that radiation is absorbed by the Earth, which warms up and radiates back to space as infrared radiation. As greenhouse gases and clouds in Earth's atmosphere absorb and reflect this infrared radiation, this slows the loss of heat from the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide, although it has a lower global warming potential than the other greenhouse gases, is the most important one because of its high atmospheric concentration. Before 1750, its concentration in the atmosphere was around 280 parts per million (ppm), and for 420,000 years, following the natural carbon cycle, it never increased past 325 ppm, but today it has risen to over 360 ppm. Human industrialization was the main trigger for this unprecedented jump in CO2 atmospheric concentration. CO2 began increasing in the atmosphere in the late 1700s due to the use of fossil fuels as an energy source. Coal, oil, and natural gas consist of carbon compounds created millions of years ago. When burned, they release water vapor and carbon, which combines with oxygen to form carbon dioxide. The burning of fossil fuels creates three-fourths of the Earth's carbon dioxide.
Cement-making and deforestation also add CO2 to the atmosphere. Cement-making releases CO2 from carbonate rocks. Deforestation produces CO2 emissions through the burning of forests and also through the burning of firewood. Decaying wood results in slow CO2 emission, whereas burning wood results in rapid CO2 emission. Since 1992 cement-making and fossil fuel burning together have added more than 6 billion tons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere each year. Reducing carbon dioxide emissions is no easy task, because we rely on fossil fuels to power industries and homes, cars and planes, and for nearly everything else we do. Practicing conservation measures will reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, but we must reduce our dependence on fossil fuels to address the problem adequately.

Joy Huang, is a student at Newton North High School, entering her senior year.
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Potential new MWRA members

By Robert L. Zimmerman, Jr ./ Special To The Tab


Water, growth and the MWRA

The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority is responsible for distributing water to 42 greater Boston communities. The reservoirs that provide this water, Quabbin and Wachusetts, and surrounding watershed lands are under the stewardship of the state Department of Conservation and Recreation. In creating the MWRA, the legislature split off responsibility for the management of the natural resource from the delivery of this water.

Thanks to aggressive leak repair and conservation in the 1980s, MWRA communities are using 100 million gallons less daily than 25 years ago. Today MWRA is selling 225 mgd of wholesale water to local water departments of its member cities and towns, down from a high of 342 mgd. The MWRA believes it now has extra water available and it is looking for new customers. Expensive projects like the Deer Island sewage plant and the 17-mile MetroWest Tunnel between routes I-495 and 128 have left the MWRA with a pile of debt. Funded by bonds, the debt service will continue to rise through 2011 and then taper off.

About 60 percent of the MWRA's budget currently goes to pay off this debt. The MWRA needs more revenue to meet these debts and rising energy costs. Double-digit increases in existing customer water rates are projected over the next several years as these costs rise.

Consequently, the MWRA Board, in a major shift, is proposing to treat water as a commodity, expand the MWRA service area and actively market this water to new communities. The sale of more water would purportedly help reduce projected increases in wholesale water rates through admission fees and by spreading the costs among more cities and towns. Additionally, a growing number of communities between the Route 128 and Interstate 495 beltway face water shortages over the coming decade. New MWRA supplies could help alleviate the problem. However, making more water available to new customers triggers a host of concerns that need to be evaluated carefully by the MWRA Board, state regulators and the public. It is unlikely that new water sales will materially reduce MWRA bond debt in the near term, or significantly curtail the cost of water for current customers. MWRA estimates that even if all of the 20 communities it has identified as potential customers (including Holliston, Medway, Franklin and Milford in the Charles watershed) joined - a dubious supposition given high MWRA fees and rates and lack of enthusiasm by these towns - rate increases would only shrink by 3 to 4 percent.

Before selling more water the MWRA needs to revisit the "safe yield," or the maximum, dependable withdrawals that can safely be made from MWRA reservoirs without damaging the water resource. The original methodology for determining this did not sufficiently take into account the water necessary for downstream flow and fisheries' health. The re-determination of safe yield must also consider the effects of global warming, as well as the growth needs of the existing MWRA service area.

New sources of water spur new growth. The MWRA water sales will play a major role in where and how growth occurs in eastern Massachusetts. Stoughton, a recent MWRA member, has experienced an explosion of new development. Water sales need to be paired with Smart Growth approaches, which reduce sprawl and open space losses and promote denser, low-impact development. The metropolitan area needs to encourage mixed-use village density zones, transportation-oriented development, and the redevelopment of brownfields for commercial and residential uses. Linking the sale of new water to a Smart Growth agenda can help create the kind of housing and amenities that will make Massachusetts attractive to industry, stabilize housing prices, and reduce the number of cars on the road.

While MWRA water can help alleviate the stress on water resources in the Ipswich and the upper Charles basins, selling water to communities without adequate planning is not an environmental benefit and could backfire, by enabling low density, high impact residential development, which uses vastly greater quantities of water, and paving over more ground, which prevents aquifer recharge.

Communities seeking to join the MWRA will want to buy the water during the summer, when local supplies are most stressed. There would be little reason for these communities to conserve water or to build the kind of stormwater and wastewater infrastructure that will replenish aquifers while restoring river flow and reducing flash flooding during rainstorms.

Selling water based on demand alone will result in greater sprawl and unchecked development in the wrong places. Before expanding, a full environmental impact review, like that required under state law for any major project, should first be performed to analyze all aspects of expansion.

Robert L. Zimmerman, Jr. is the executive director of the Charles River Watershed Association.

These are communities in proximity to MWRA that may have water deficits now or in the future, and could consider MWRA as an option to supplement current water sources (list does not include communities that are actively pursuing admission to MWRA).

·       Boston Harbor South:

·       Hingham/Hull

·       Sharon

·       Ipswich River Basin:

·       Salem/Beverly

·       Ipswich

·       Wenham

·       Topsfield

·       Danvers/Middleton

·       Lynnfield Center W.D.

·       Upper Charles:

·       Franklin

·       Holliston

·       Medway

·       Milford

·       SUASCO:

·       Ashland

·       Hopkinton

·       Nashua:

·       Boylston

·       Lancaster

·       Sterling

·       West Boylston

·       Connecticut:

·       South Hadley Fire District #2


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Controlling white grubs without chemicals


White grubs are insect pests of home lawns, athletic fields, parks, gardens and anywhere their preferred hosts grow. They live in soil, are C-shaped, have six legs, chewing mouthparts, and feed on turfgrass roots and the roots of other plants. Lawns that are attacked by these pests show poor vigor, thin turf, smaller (or no) roots and bare spots susceptible to weed colonization.

The four white grub species of concern in our area are introduced pests and are very problematic on home lawns. They are Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica; Oriental beetle, Anomala orientalis; European chafer, Rhizotrogus majalis; and Asiatic garden beetle, Maladera castanea.

The life cycle for all four species is very similar: there is one generation per year, adult beetles are active during the summer, the grub (larval stage) is actively feeding on turfgrass roots in the fall (August through October) and again in the spring (April through May). It is too often assumed that all white grubs are the insecticide-susceptible Japanese beetles. They are not! And particularly as there are health concerns and environmental problems associated with the misuse and overuse of insecticides for the control of white grubs, it is very important to properly identify white grubs using a 10X hand lens, so that the least toxic control agents will be used. Unfortunately, landscape company personnel typically do not identify grubs by species.

·      The Japanese beetle grub has a small distinctive V-shaped rastral (spines) pattern, and a transverse anal slit on the 10th abdominal segment. These grubs are widely distributed in southern New England and are more susceptible (than the other species of white grubs) to chemical and nonchemical controls. Adult JBs feed on nearly 300 species of plants, including trees, shrubs and vines.

·      The Oriental beetle grub has a transverse anal slit (like the JB) but exhibits a unique straight and parallel rastral pattern. It is less susceptible to commonly used insecticides because it is quick to burrow down deeper into the soil during hot weather, where it is difficult to control.

·      The European chafer has a rastral pattern that is somewhat Y-shaped; rows of rastral spines look like an opening zipper near the anal slit. It is the most damaging to home lawns, causing turf to become easily dislodged from the soil. Sometimes called an "eating machine on lawn roots," it's the only grub that can feed during cold weather, causing root damage in the early spring and well into the fall, when the other grub species are inactive. It has even been detected feeding on lawn roots under snow in February. These grubs are hard to control with insecticides because they are larger in size than the other species and they have genetic characteristics that enable them to metabolize insecticides or avoid them.

·      The Asiatic garden beetle has a rastral pattern in the shape of a reduced semi-circle. Imidacloprid (trade name, Merit) is used for chemical control, but it has limited effectiveness. It is suspected that the spread of AGB is due to imidacloprid overuse: the chemical kills the other grub species and allows the expansion of this one.

Fortunately, there are biological control alternative to synthetic insecticides that can reduce the need for chemical control of white grubs. Although there is one commercially available type of nematode, Steinernema carpocapsae, that does not provide white grub control, another commercially available nematode, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, has been shown by Dr. Albrecht Koppenhoffer (Rutgers University) to be an effective bio-control agent against Japanese beetle grubs. Dr. Patricia Vittum (University of Massachusetts) has demonstrated satisfactory control for all four species of white grubs using the HB nematode in late summer field trials, but the trials were limited in scope.

IPM Labs entomologist Carol Glenister notes that HB nematodes are most effective when the soil is warm in late summer (mid-August to early September) and the grubs are large. She does not recommend applying nematodes before then. She said that with the proper environmental conditions nematodes will reduce all grub species to varying degrees.

The HB nematode seeks out grubs for food and reproduction. When this nematode enters a white grub through a natural body opening, it releases a bacterium while it feeds on the grubs' internal organs, and this eventually kills the grub. The nematodes then move through the soil to seek out more grubs.

The EPA exempts nematodes from the registration required for chemicals, and protective equipment is not needed to apply them. Commercially available nematodes are specific to pests stated on the label. Read and follow all instructions and be certain that the beneficial nematode matches the biology of the pest in question. To learn more contact: IPM LABS, Locke, N.Y. 315-497-2063,

Bruce Wenning, the environment page garden columnist, is horticulturist and grounds manager, Massachusetts Audubon Society, Habitat Wildlife Sanctuary., and he serves on the Board of Directors of the Ecological Landscaping Association.

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